
Wild Rice and Lentil Stuffed Delicata Squash with Cranberries and Pecans

Wild rice pilaf heartied up with lentils, flavored with curry spices and cumin, and dotted with sweet dried cranberries and crunchy pecans – all served up in delicious roasted delicata squash halves. Yum! Recipe and photo via Kitchen Treaty Print Recipe Wild Rice and Lentil Stuffed Delicata Squash with Cranberries and Pecans Course Main

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Conquer Weeknight Cooking

Conquer Weeknight Cooking     There are some things in life that we can’t control. Whether it’s long hours at work, rough commutes, or driving kids to after-school practice, we are all living with a rush-rush reality that we have accepted as normal. We settle for subpar dinners, especially on weeknights when we work our

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The Art of Canning

The Art of Canning First, a history… Historically speaking, Canning is a relatively recent invention compared to more ancient methods like salting, curing, and drying to preserve food.  Interestingly enough it was Napoleon Bonaparte who initiated the race for innovative food preservation to feed his traveling army in 1795. “An army travels on its stomach,”

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